我們磯法音樂事工(G5)裏的小弟鋼琴手瘦火雞(Skinnyturkey, 又稱天象Sky Elephant)今天長尾巴了。願他生日快樂,主恩滿溢!
Today is the birthday of the youngest one in our G5 ministry, Skinnyturkey (aka Sky Elephant). I would like to wish him a very berry happy birthday, and God's blessings be with him always!
當你生日時 我們就把奶油調成水彩
再加進款款的祝福 畫你成红蕃的歡呼
趁你驚惶失措 用小火車偷偷把你的憂愁嘟嘟地載走
當你生日時 我們就把蛋糕當作磚塊
再加進默默的祈禱 砌一座摩天的城堡
趁你踮起足尖 用小風筝偷偷將你的身高又拉長不少
這也使我想起Vivian小時候,有一年她過生日,她daddy 和我對她說:「Vivian, 你今天長尾巴喲!」她馬上聲明:「沒有!我沒有長尾巴!」我們解釋:「你今天過生日啦!長尾巴就是過生日呀!」她嚇得都快哭出來了:「那我不要過生日了!」
This also reminds me that on one birthday of Vivian when she was young, her daddy and I told her "Vivian, your tail is growing! (In Chinese, it means having a birthday)" She immediately claimed "No, I don't have a tail!" We explained to her "It's your birthday, growing tail means having your birthday." She got so scared and almost cried and replied "No, I don't want to have a birthday then!"
Wow, Thien happy birthday...
回覆刪除今年是你第一次和你的母 turkey 一起過生日, 祝你天天增油長肉,明年不再是 skinny turkey...:)
Thanks. I celebrated at Todai's... no, that was the plan, but time was running too short because of traffic jam on return from work, so at the last minute, we decided to just have Sweet Tomatoes instead. :-)