2007年11月16日 星期五

管理衆人之事 Governing Public Affairs


節目最後,主持人說了一句話給我感觸很深 -- 「政治家關心下一個世代,政客關心下一場選舉」。放眼望去,有多少人是真的為了下一代的福祉而籌謀,又有多少人是只計個人利害,不顧別人死活呢?

A couple of days ago, we watched a TV program talking about how Taiwan grew from poverty to prosperity. It reminded me of many things. One thing they mentioned about was the concept "your living room is your production plant". That's right! We used to assemble Christmas lights which were used to export to the US and other foreign countries at home to make some candy money. I was very good at it so I made quite a lot of money (in a kid's mind). That's why I can sometimes fix the Christmas lights when they are out of order.

At the end of the program, the host said one phrase which really made me think -- "A good politician thinks for the next generation, but a bad one only worries about the next election." Look around you, how many people contemplate for the welfare of the general public and how many only care for their own success?

