2007年11月1日 星期四

給我一塊臭豆腐 Give Me A Piece Of Stinky Toufu


I was reminded the taste of a Chinese delicacy -- stinky toufu -- by a strange smell when driving by a farm land on my way home today. Stinky toufu is my favorite food out of all the so called "roadside cafes". The one I loved the most was prepared by an old grandpa. His little food cart was right outside the traditional marketplace in my home town. I used to go with my middle school classmates on Saturday or after we came out of the afterschool class prepared for we losers. They smelled so good with crispy skin and soft and tender inside. It is especially good with his sauce and pickled vegetable. Because my parents didn't allow us to eat at the roadside cafe for health reason, so it tasted even better when we went secretly(human sinful nature I guess)... Man, I really miss it...and my partners-in-crime... Don't know how they are doing now. Maybe I can google their names and see if I can find them. But, before I do that, can someone give me a piece of stinky toufu to ease my craving?

7 則留言:

  1. 搞不僅你們為什麼這麼喜歡臭豆腐, 明明是臭了, 不是壞了怎麼會臭? 曉梅也是一樣愛吃, 以前有一位同事向一位老美推薦臭豆腐時, 他形容臭豆腐聞起來像進地獄, 吃進去像上了天堂,最後那位老美同事選擇留在人間...:)

  2. 他大概忘了耶穌希望我們都能進天堂!

  3. 還好耶穌沒有希望我們都吃臭豆腐...:)

  4. 臭豆腐闻起来臭,吃起来香!就像有些弟兄,姊妹看起来凶巴巴,冷冷的,不容易接

    BTW, I have tried many stinky fried Tofu in US, Boston China Town is the best. The owner is from Taiwan. I saw many American eating them. Jerry, the one you mentioned must be an Oregonian :)

  5. Wow. qinwen的比喻好?? 記得千萬不要耍 cool, 不然就變成臭豆腐, 人未到味先到.... :(

  6. 嘖嘖嘖。。。真是厲害啊!

  7. 我寜願當 ice cream, 看到就想吃, 吃下去也很爽... :)
