2007年11月21日 星期三

貓頭鷹 Owl

上星期天在崇拜之前,看見教會外頭的樹上站了一隻大大的貓頭鷹,這是我生平第一次看到活的野生貓頭鷹 。牠的一雙眼睛瞪得好大,我還以為貓頭鷹白天都在睡覺,只有晚上出來活動呢。由於我沒有帶相機,所以我請阿布幫忙拍了一張。

We saw a huge owl standing on a branch outside of our sanctuary last Sunday right before worship service. His/her eyes were wide open and I thought owls sleep during the day. Because I didn't have my camera with me so I asked Jerry to take a picture of it. This is from Jerry.

1 則留言:

  1. 我以為貓頭鷹睡覺不閉眼睛,就像魚一樣!

