2007年11月6日 星期二

秋與霧 Fall and Fog

Fall is a foggy season in Portland. Usually it is a big blue sky waiting to greet you behind the fog. I woke up to find this beautiful scene this morning .

It is not easy to find trees of simple red in late Autumn.

黃綠相間。Green mixes with yellow.

This one looks like the bookmarks I used to collect when I was young.

All the pictures in this blog, unless otherwise noted, are taken by me. Sometimes depending on the camera I used the resolution will be different. If you like any of them, feel free to download as you wish. Because the original copyright belongs to God and I was just trying

to use human methods to capture some snapshots in time. My only request for you is to use them to glorify God since all the creations come from Him.

11 則留言:

  1. Thank you. DavidC said 強將手下無弱兵。。。

  2. I almost had car accident this morning because of the fog and leaf. I said in my heart:”somebody, clean up the leaf, will you?” (very slippery) But now, look at these beautiful pictures, I changed my
    mind,I guess I will drive carefully instead :-)

  3. I haven't checked your blog for a long time. I just finish reading through. I did not know I had missed such many things that happened to you. If counting God's blessing, it look like that you got them all. I am very happy for you. Not only happy, I am also learning a lot from you. You are a good mom. People often say, ‘behind a successful man there was a woman.’ I would like to say, ‘behind a successful daughter there IS a mom.

  4. Or, behind both successful mom and daughter there's always a sweatering dad! :-)

  5. I thought you only wear short sleeve t-shirt and I've never seen you wear a sweater...probably because it makes you sweat :)

  6. 真的很美!我還記得這樣的景緻,Portland仍然是我住過最美麗的城市.好懷念呀!如果票選,我仍然會選Portland是最適合居住的城市.

  7. Oh my, is it really you, Yinchu? What a nice surprise! Have not heard from you for such a long time. Looks like you are in Buffalo, NY now. You should be able to see similar view over there. So nice to hear from you. Keep in touch, ok?

  8. Yes, it's me! 雖然沒常跟你們連絡但心中常常想你們喔! Buffalo indeed reminds me Portland a lot. I still like Portland better. Portland 群山環繞美不勝收. Buffalo has the grand Niagara Falls near by but you can't see from from far. 兩邊生活的環境是蠻像的就是了. 本來就不是一個喜歡擁擠的大城市的人, 我已經是很感謝神把我帶來這裡了啦!

  9. Hi Peiling,
    我是michelle, 玉珠的朋友,以前也住在Portland,現在在加州。玉珠把妳的blog傳給我,果然好棒!!

  10. Hi Michelle,


