2007年11月24日 星期六

男生開車都要用自動導航 All men need GPS



18 耶和華 神説、那人獨居不好、我要為他造一個配偶幫助他。 22 耶和華 神就用那人身上所取的肋骨、造成一個女人、領他到那人跟前。 23 那人說、這是我骨中的骨、肉中的肉、可以稱他為女人、因為他是從男人身上取出來的。 -- 創世記 2:18, 22-23

My little nephew once corrected his daddy when he was driving. He told him to turn on the GPS system and added "all men need to use the GPS". I am not sure if he was proud to use GPS in his little mind, or if he concluded this finding by observing his parents' interactions while on the road. But I have to say, he was so right!! Before the time of GPS, in our family, the commander (it was me by the way) who sat next to the driver was the navigation system. Sometimes reminders are still needed even on the same route that we have been taking for many years.

When God puts to people together, He has a plan to let them help and supplement each other. One is careless, the other is careful; one is tense, the other will have to take it easy; one is forgetful, the other one need to be attentive; one has bad temper, the other will promote harmony; one easily gets lost when driving, the other will be the GPS.

18 The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." 22 Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. 23 The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman,' for she was taken out of man." -- Genesis 2:18, 22-23

2 則留言:

  1. 請容許小弟在這裡加點解釋. GPS 不是自動導航的意思, "Global Positioning System"中文名稱為全球衛星定位系統, 它本身只能告訴你你在那裡, 沒有自動導航的能力, 但是今天大部份可以接收衛星信號作為定位用的儀器都加上了地圖和導航軟體, 所以變成導航系統, 但不是自動的, 駕駛人對車子開往任目的地有絕對的控制權。

    在 GPS 還未出現之前, 另一種有相似功能的"導航系統"在全球各地已被普遍使用多年, 但這套系統的穩定性與使用者介面(user inferface)都不完善, 這系統稱為"HLS"(Human Leading System or Helper Leading System). HLS有好些問題, 其中最常見的問題是 ACUI (Automatic Change User Interface), 系統剛始動時通常都是在一個非常友善的使用者介面(Very Friendly User Interface), 很快的就從 very friendly 變成 not very friendly, 如果駕駛人意見多一點, 很快的, 這系統會進入 "YAS"(Yelling and Argue Status), 這就變得沒完沒了, 直到到達目的地為止。另一個比較常見的問題是反應時間(response time), 這系統經常在路口前 30 cm 通知駕駛人要左/右轉, 駕駛人若來不及轉彎, 系統肯定會進入 YAS, 還有一個讓駕駛人無所適從的問題, 當這系統在導航過程中發覺所指引的方向與路面狀況在系統記憶體裡找不到的時候(即是說導航錯誤), 系統會回應:我不知道, 然後進入休眠狀態(hibernate mode), 如果駕駛人又來一點意見, 系統馬上從 hibernate 轉為 YAS。話說回來, 這系統也有其優點, 因為它很容易就進入 YAS, 這樣駕駛人不容易睡覺, 減少因駕駛人睡覺所引起的車禍。

    雖然今天 GPS 導航系統相當普及, 但 HLS仍然存在而且仍然被廣泛使用, 因為這系統大多是 auto turn on, 不需要駕駛人刻意起動, 而且是駕駛人想關也關不了, 不過有了 GPS 導航系統後, HLS 也自動完成了 firmware upgrade, 當導航錯誤時, 不再回應 "我不知道", 而是 "你不是有 GPS 嗎?"

  2. Hey, this is very funny.


