神愛世人,甚至將他的獨生子賜給他們,叫一切信他的,不至滅亡,反得永生 。-- 約翰福音3:16
I loved to read when I was young. There was no library available at that time, and we didn't have too many children's book at home, so I read whatever I could get as long as they were not textbooks. I had read my mother's classical Chinese literatures, and I was always the first one to read my father's monthly political magazine issued by the government (I believe they had successfully educated me because of this). I even sneaked into my parents' room several times to read my monther's articles published on newspapers which talked about her family life when she was young (because it contained some information she didn't want us to know when we were too young, so she never showed it to us).
When I was at fourth grade, a new janitor came to our school. His last name was Guo so we called him Guo Bobo. He was very nice to us and never yelled at us like other "bobos" always did. One day when I was the student on duty and carried the bentos of all the students of our class to kitchen for reheating, he handed me and another student a little booklet called "The Gospel of John". He told us that it was Bible and wanted us to read it when we had time. I was very excited about it. C'mon, it's Bible!! Must be very special and mysterious! I couldn't wait to start reading it as soon as I got home. However, I was totally confused after I was done reading. It was just like a biography of a person called Jesus. I thought Guo Bobo must have been mistaken, and I even went to him the next day and confirmed that it really was Bible. This was my first impression on Bible and it also started some communicate between Guo Bobo and I about some questions I had with what I had read.
Now I think of it, it is that simple. We don't need profound theory to understand it because He came to earth as a human form, dwelled with us, and guided us the way to our Heavenly Father. Now He is still with us. We will see Him as long as we open our hearts and embrace His love.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -- (KJV) John3:16