2007年10月31日 星期三

主恩豐盛 God's Blessings Abound

最近在忙一件大事 -- 把從前錄下來的影帶轉到DVD上,也藉由這個機會回顧了一下過去。看著女兒從幾個月大還不會爬的娃娃,一天一天長大,從喜歡穿漂亮裙子的小女孩,成為現在老愛穿牛仔褲和T裇的少女;看著她從生嫩的琴藝,到今天可以流利熟練地彈奏出美麗的樂曲;看著先生的身材,從結實精壯經過小腹微凸,到現在比微凸再凸一點;看著自己的髮型,由長到短,再從短變長,雖然影像解析度不太好,但仍然可以察覺出歲月在臉上(和身上)留下的痕跡;看著過去讀書時住的公寓,還有經歷那一場大雪之後滿地的皚皚銀光;看著那年聖誕節全家人和媽媽妹妹及“Uncle Vincent”一同拆禮物;看著當年哥哥嫂嫂來時我們一同準備的海鮮大餐。。。回首前塵,一路走來都是成長的痕跡。小孩長的是智慧和身量與神及衆人愛她的心,我們看到的是神豐盛恩典的累積。雖然我懷念過去的日子,真想再抱抱那裏頭的娃娃,但在神的愛裏,在祂的保守帶領中,我仰望未來,知道我們的日子一天新似一天。我曾看過這幾句話,願與大家共勉:過去,是感恩的記錄;現在,是服事的記錄;將來,是仰望的記錄。

你以恩典為年歲的冠冕,你的路徑都滴下脂油。 - 詩篇65:11

I am working on a project to transfer our old VHS home video to DVD now. Because of this opportunity, we get to review some of the old tapes. I saw our daughter transformed from a small baby to a young lady, from one could only play simple tunes to be able to perform huge beautiful pieces; my husband's shape from slim fit to carrying a mid-sized pillow around the belly area; my hair style from short to long then from long turned short, and some trace of time on our faces. I saw the old apartment we lived in while studying in graduate school, and the unusual snow storm as well as the beautiful view it brought. I remembered that Christmas when we opened our gifts one by one with mom, sister, and Vincent, also that seafood feast while big brother and sister-in-law visited us. It is amazing to see how God has lead us through the years. Even though I miss those good old days and want to hold that little baby in my arms once again, but I am looking forward to tomorrow and the years to come. Because I know He holds our future and His blessings abound.

You crown the year with your bounty, and your carts overflow with abundance. -- Psalm 65:11

