2007 眨眼就過去了,今天全世界堂堂進入主後2008。還記得約十年前為了應付電腦系統千禧蟲的問題,全世界都在緊緊張張地做準備,一晃眼就十年過去了。小的時候時間是以小時或是分鐘記的,現在是以年為單位,隨便回想一件事都是幾年前。再過一段時間,就要以幾個十年來計算了。
2007 passed in a blink of eye, the world entered into 2008AD today. I can still remember when the everyone was worried about the "computer bug" before 2000AD and the whole world started to prepare for the "disaster" a little over 10 years ago. When I was young, I counted time in hours or minutes and now I use year as a unit. Pretty soon I will be counting in decades.
What is your New Year resolution? My resolution is that I don't need to set up a resolution to accomplish my goal. May you become closer to God, have great health, good spirit, happy family, and great success at work and school!