2008年1月23日 星期三

迎接春天 Ready for Spring

這幾天由於高氣壓的緣故,天氣特別晴朗,晴空萬里無雲,也正因為如此,再加上極地東風的效應,天氣特別寒冷,家裏的暖氣吹個不停。早晨上班時,看見路旁的水塘都結冰了,鴨鴨們只好聚集在靠近打水器的附近,有的甚至“在水上行走”(walk on water)。雖然還是很冷,但是坐在車裏曬著太陽,那耀眼和溫暖的冬陽提醒我冬天已經過了一半,春天近了。已經接近一月底囉!農曆春節在下個月,三月裏春天就正式展開了!真讓人迫不及待!

Due to the high air pressure, we have had sunny days for several days. Just because of it plus the Arctic East Wind blowing, it is extremely cold these days. I saw some frozen ponds and water puddles on my way to work, and the ducks had to gather around the water fountain where the water was still moving, some of them even "walked on water(ice)". Even though it is still cold, the sunshine reminded me that Spring is getting close. It's close to the end of January, Chinese Spring Festival is on 2/7, and Spring officially starts in March! Can't wait!

I captured the full moon on my way to work.

Golden sunshine added a shade of gold to the pasture.

