2008年1月15日 星期二

西北區宣教大會 Northwest Mission ConneXion

再過兩天一年一度的西北區宣教大會http://www.missionconnexion.com/)就要登場了。今年的場地是選在波特蘭南方 Tualatin 的 Rolling Hills Community Church,我們教會今年很榮幸地被邀請去帶領週六早晨的敬拜。請在禱告中記念我們的事奉,也為所有來參加的弟兄姐妹禱告,願大家都因此得到激勵,為主的國度發光。

Mission ConneXion 2008 will begin in two days at Rollings Hills Community Church in Tualatin. Our church is invited to participate in leading one of the worship sessions. Please pray for our ministry and all those who will come to the 2-day event. May all of us be encouraged by the worship, messages, workshops, and fellowship.

