寒假已經接近尾聲,我們整個寒假都在練習與錄音中度過。明天清晨要帶Vivian飛往德州的達拉斯,去參加一個協奏曲比賽(Lennox International Young Artist Competition)。出發前我特別準備了GPS,相信不會像上次在路易斯安那一樣迷路。這次由於是協奏曲比賽,所以還要在賽前與當地的一個鋼琴伴奏一同練習。音樂真是一個要求非常嚴格的專業,不止要有一定的天分,更要有後天的努力、時間的投入、自律、專注、忍耐、還要有適度的自我肯定並能夠自我調適。一個國際Van Cliburn鋼琴大賽金牌獎得主曾經説過,在他贏那場比賽前曾經輸掉過50場比賽。這就和聖經上説的一樣「忘記背後努力面前的,向著標杆直跑」。唯有努力不懈,堅持到底,才能完成自己的夢想。
Winter break is getting close to the end, we(Vivian, to be precise) spent the whole time practicing and recording. Tomorrow we will take off to Dallas, Texas for Lennox International Young Artist Competition. This time I borrowed a GPS system so I think we won't run into the same situation as last time in Louisiana. Because it is a concerto competition, she will need to meet up with the piano accompanist before the competition to rehearse together. Music is a discipline requires talent, hardwork, self-discipline, focus, perseverance, ability to adjust after defeats, and certain degree of self-confidence. A past International Van Cliburn Piano Competition gold medalist once said, he lost 50 competitions before he finally won the world prestigious Van Cliburn Competition. This is just like what's said in the Bible "Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, press on toward the goal to win the prize...". Only those who can stick to the end will accomplish their dreams.