2008年1月30日 星期三

立於應許之上 Standing on the promises

幾天前我在上班的途中,聽到麥基博士(Dr. McGee)講解歷代志上22章。其中他提到了大衛交待所羅門遵行神的律例典章並要剛強壯膽。大衛也將他一心想做的事 - 為神建造聖殿 - 這個使命,按照神的心意交給所羅門去完成,並說:「我在困難之中為耶和華的殿豫備了金子十萬他連得、銀子一百萬他連得、銅和鐵、多得無法可稱。我也豫備了木頭、石頭、你還可以增添。」(歷代志上22:13) 麥基博士說,大衛在千辛萬苦中,仍然不忘為神的殿預備,仍然不忘事奉神,但是我們呢?現在的教會呢?他在這裡用了一句話,他說是從別的傳道人那裏取來的「站在應許之上,卻白佔地土」(Standing on the promises, but sitting on the premises.)神給了教會這麼多的資源,給我們個人這麼多的祝福與恩賜,我們是把它藏在斗底下、埋在泥土中,還是用我們些微的光線照亮周圍?

I heard Dr. McGee preached on 1 Chronicles chapter 22 on the radio on my way to work several days ago. In this chapter, David blessed Solomon and instructed him to follow the law of the Lord and be brave and courageous. David also said "in my trouble I have prepared for the house of the LORD an hundred thousand talents of gold, and a thousand thousand talents of silver; and of brass and iron without weight; for it is in abundance: timber also and stone have I prepared; and thou mayest add thereto.” (1 Chronicles 22:13, KJV). Dr. McGee told us to pay attention to the words "in my trouble". David never forgot to serve the Lord and prepare for the Lord's temple in his struggling with all the problems he had to face. What about us? What about our churches? He quoted a phrase from another pastor that many of the churches today are "standing on the promises but sitting on the premises". God gave His churches this much resources, also gave us many talents and blessings. Do we hide them under the bushel, burry them in the ground, or use whatever we have to shine for the Lord?

