2007年12月29日 星期六

螃蟹蘭 Christmas Cactus

客廳裏的螃蟹蘭,因為有充分的陽光和營養,就在聖誕節這段時間裏熱熱鬧鬧地開了起來。其實種植室内植物並不困難,只要利用洗米水和泡過蛋殼的水交互澆灌,就可以養出健康漂亮的植物哦! 噢,對了,先生説還有一個原因是因為他常常和它們説話。。。難怪它們都長得比女兒和我漂亮一些。。。
Our Christmas Cactus is blooming during the Christmas season. Actually it is quite easy to grow healthy and beautiful in-house plants. I always water them with the leftover rice-rinsing and eggshell-soaked water, and place them at the location with good sunlight. BTW, my husband said that part of the reason is that he talked to them often... No wonder they are much prettier than Vivian and me...

