2008年1月8日 星期二

信心 Faith

從達拉斯回來的那天清晨,天還是黑的,我們按著GPS 的指引往機場開去。在一個高速公路交流道附近,我們明明看到路上往DFW 的指標是要上161W,但是GPS 卻往相反的方向指去。當時我雖然是選擇了跟從GPS 的指示,但是心裏開始有了很大的懷疑。我只用了這個GPS 三天,並不清楚它的準確度有多少,然而我卻是親眼見到路上的指標。根據經驗法則,我似乎是做了一個錯誤的選擇。後來心裏越想越毛,在途中還停下來,再次確認我輸入了正確的機場(因為達拉斯有不止一個機場),順便把路綫再看清楚一些。後來由於時間充足,加上GPS 顯示七分鐘之内我們就會到達,所以我決定跟著它走到底,萬一錯了再想辦法。後來果然我們很快就到了機場。。。

這件事讓我想起了我們信心的功課。對GPS 來説,我信心(confidence)不足,所以當我發現與我的理解有所出入時,我便開始懷疑。我對神的信心(faith)是否也是如此呢?有時候神的帶領是我們一時之間無法了解的,如果我們凡事都要符合自己的想像與認知才願意跟從,那就不是跟從神,而是跟從自己的選擇,可能會因此無法得到許多神要賜給我們的福分,而且迷失在曠野中找不到方向。

“那沒有看見就信的、有福了。”-- 約翰福音20:29下

In the morning when we were on our way to DFW airport, it was still dark, we followed the direction guided by GPS. We were driving on a highway and saw the sign to the DFW airport while the GPS lead us to a different direction. Though I chose to follow the GPS, I had huge doubt in my mind. I had only used the system for 3 days, however I saw the sign with my very own eyes that I needed to take the highway to the opposite direction instead. The more I thought about it the worrier I got. So I stopped at one point and checked to make sure I entered the correct airport. Since we still had plenty of time and we could get to the airport in 7 minutes per GPS, I decided to follow the GPS to the end and thought we could always found our way if it turned out to be wrong. And we did get to the airport as the GPS indicated.

This reminded me of our faith. Because I didn't have enough confidence in the GPS system, so I started to doubt when what I saw was different from what it directed and when the GPS seemed to be not correct according to my judgment. It is the same as our faith to our God. A lot of times we can't comprehend God's guidance or His will in our lives in the beginning, but we will understand if we choose to follow Him to the end. If we choose to obey only what we think is good for us, then we are not following His will but ours. We could miss the best portion that He has prepared for us and get lost in the wilderness.

"Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." -- John 20:29b

4 則留言:

  1. Hey, 結果 gps 有沒有錯??

  2. 部落格要認真寫 因為你下一個老闆正在看!部落格成為企業獵人才新管道


    據美國零售界龍頭沃爾瑪(Wal-Mart)百貨連鎖的人資經理Ryan Loken表示,他每週會花上1至2個小時上網搜尋部落格,以便尋找適合的人才,或是查詢求職者的背景資料。據他估計,過去3年來,已經透過部落格找到了 125名新人。人資部門除了透過部落格來查詢部落客的專業能力之外,還會參考部落客的寫作技能和個性或處事態度。

    除了人資部門之外,部落客還可能吸引到未來老闆的青睞。開設SocialDegree.com的Brian Balfour便驚訝地發現,這個部落格因為提供了他的工作經驗和教育相關資訊,而成功為他吸引到Zoom資訊公司副總裁Russell Glass主動提供工作機會,使年僅24歲的他意外找到了工作。

    加州部落客Greg Sterling由於專長是擔任網路公司的策略顧問,吸引到不少網路公司三顧茅廬,使他每個月平均都會接到15個工作機會。


    From digitimes.com.tw

  3. 我也贊成從部落格來真正認識一個人的説法,但是我不覺得我會因此而得到任何工作。。。
