2008年2月4日 星期一

宣教 Missions


我記得他們前一次回來時,在分享中曾提到過一個弟兄,因為他會彈吉他,所以他走到哪兒就唱到哪兒,不停地用詩歌及音樂來傳神的美好。那時我心裏好感動也好羡慕,開始夢想自己也能帶著一把琴,走到哪兒就傳到哪兒,David也能走到哪兒拍到哪兒,把神的創造用照片記錄下來。這次他們回來,再次提醒了我這個夢,但這始終只能是一個夢嗎?這是一個幻想還是一個異相?我是否像宣教年會的那個講員說的,落入了一個「安全信仰」(Safe Religion) 的桎梏中?是否有太多的後顧之憂,無法真的把信心放在主的身上?我最近一直不停地思考著馬太福音第八章裏描述跟隨耶穌的代價,耶穌清楚地告訴那個門徒,跟從祂的代價是要忘了埋葬他自己的父親去跟從祂。雖然聽起來讓人非常不安,但是我相信這就是我們需要有的心理準備。。。

A couple (husband and wife) missionaries came back to visit the churches suporting their ministry and have a short retreat from mission field recently. I have always admired their courage and heart to serve our Lord with their two young children in far away places and simply place their confidence in the Lord, even though the living standard is much lower than what we have here.

I remember when they came back last time, they mentioned about one brother in their sharing. This brother carried his guitar with him, and he spread the gospel through music and singing wherever he goes. I was moved and wished I could be like him when I heard about his story. I dreamed about carrying a small keyboard with me to outreach through music, and David can carry his camera and record God's wondrous creation. Their return reminded me about my dream again this time. Is this only to become an unrealized dream after all? Is this a mirage or a vision? Am I like most of the people falling into the trap of 'safe religion' just like the speaker preached about in the Mission ConneXion? Are my worries preventing me from placing my confidence on God? I keep thinking about in Matthew chapter 8 recently that Jesus told the one disciple not to worry about burying his father and just to follow Him. This thought may make people uneasy, but this is a reminder to all His followers that the cost of following Him can be big and we all need to be prepared.

1 則留言:

  1. 有同感..
    有時候想, 今天的美國越來越像所羅門王朝末期, 雖然有一群敬畏神、愛神的開國元老, 但因著生活富裕, 國泰民安就遠離神, 不需要尋求神, 雖然時代不同, 但狀況相似, 謝謝你的提醒。
