2008年2月25日 星期一

嗚~ 對不起,警官先生 I am very sorry, Sir.

晚上九點四十分左右,把女兒從Pacific University 音樂會場接出來後往回家的路上開。才剛轉了一個彎就看到後頭有一輛警車對著我猛閃燈,於是我連忙把車停下來,車上的媽媽、女兒、和我三人都搞不清楚為什麼會被攔下來。警察還沒走過來時,我就已經把車窗搖下來,駕照也準備好了。他一過來劈頭就問我知不知道為什麼被攔下來,我一副很無辜的樣子,對他搖搖頭説我不清楚,他説我看到黃燈沒有停下來。。。雖然我車開得並不快,也不記得有搶黃燈,但我知道應付警察最好的方式就是痛哭流涕承認錯誤痛改前非請求原諒。他既然這麼説,依照我開車的習慣,可能真的是有這麼回事,於是我可憐兮兮地對他説:「我不記得我有這麼做,但我真的不是故意的,非常非常對不起。。。請原諒我吧!」

Around 9:40pm, I picked up Vivian from Pacific University concert hall and was on our way home. Suddenly I saw a police light flashing behind me right after I took a left turn, so I pulled over to the road side but none of us knew what I did wrong. I got my drivers license ready, rolled the window down, and waited for the police to come forward. The first question he asked was
"Do you know why I pulled you over?"
I shook my head and answered innocently "No, I don't".
"You didn't stop for the yellow light! Yellow means stop unless you are in the immediate area of the intersection."
Even though I didn't drive fast and I didn't remember doing anything like that, but I knew the best policy to deal with a police officer is to admit your wrong doing and beg for mercy. Also, according to my driving habit, it is possible that I have done it, so I said to him looking apologetically and regretfully "I don't remember doing it, but I didn't mean it... I am very very sorry, please forgive me!"
He asked for my driver's license and insurance card, looked at it and asked me "How is your driving record?"
"Ok, I guess."
He walked towards his car, after a while, he came back.
"Do you know what patience is?"
"I think I do now..."
"Patience is a virtue; patience is to stop when seeing a yellow light; patience will keep you from an accident; patience will save you $250!"
"I believe you are right..."
"I will just give you a verbal warning this time. You can go now."
"Thank you very much, Sir."
He smiled, "Ok!"

Whew! $250! It's not a joke. After we left, my mom said happily "Hey, you just saved $250! It is good enough for losing 8 mahjong games of $30 a pot and some change"...

