忙了好一段時間的樂譜校正工作總算是告一段落了。原本只是協助王子音樂事工校譜的,但是由於我「龜毛」(挑剔又囉嗦,好聽一點叫完美主義)的個性,後來演變成鋼琴編譜。雖然真的是忙得不得了,常常要熬夜趕工而且長途電話不斷,但是我很感謝神讓我有這樣的機會,藉由我過去所受到的訓練來參與一個音樂事工的事奉,我也因此學到了許多只有真正動手做時才學得到的經驗。現在我開始期待接下來的服事,聖誕夜慶祝活動以及2008宣教聯會(Mission ConneXion),期間我還要帶Vivian 去一趟達拉斯(Dallas, TX)。。。真是豐盛!
我們曉得萬事都互相效力、叫愛 神的人得益處、就是按他旨意被召的人。 -- 羅馬書8:28
Finally, the music score validation/correction work I have been working with Children of God Music Ministry for the new album has come to an end. It started out with validation, but turned out to be piano score re-arrangement due to my picky personality... Though I was extremely busy in the past month or so, often times had to stay late to catch up with all the work piled up on me, I also had to stay on long distance call frequently, I learned a lot through this working experience. Thanks to God for the opportunity so I can use what I learned in the past to serve Him and this music ministry. Now I start to anticipate the future events, Christmas Celebration and 2008 Mission ConneXion, in between I will take Vivian to Dallas, TX... How exciting!!
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. -- Romans 8:28