2007年12月19日 星期三

一個夢 A Dream



最要緊的是彼此切實相愛.因為愛能遮掩許多的罪。-- 彼得前書4:8

Vivian and I had a little disagreement last night. She stayed in her room the whole night and we didn't get to talk again until this morning. I think I had this dream last night because of this... In my dream we had an argument over something I don't remember anymore, and I was also mad because she was slow in the morning before school, anyway it was a mess. Then it turned to the scene that her daddy was taking her out probably to the airport, my impression was that she was going to Japan or Taiwan. Because I was still angry so I didn't even want to say good-bye to her until people started to sing a praise to give her blessing. I remember clearly it was "From This Day On". My heart was softened and I could not hold it any longer, so I ran to her, hold her in my arms and started to cry. I woke up in tears and a mixed feeling of forgiveness, sorry, love and compassion.

I know God was talking to me through the dream. I know clearly in my heart that she is leaving us in a couple of year to attend college, after that our time together will be very limited. I also need to constantly remind myself that our life is not in our hands and every breath I take is by God's grace. I remember driving by a scene of car accident on my way to work several years ago. I kept reminding myself that I need to cherish every second of my time with my loved ones ever since. So when they remember me, their memory is filled with love and no regrets. Even though I know it in my brain, but sometimes it is hard to do because of our own weakness. That's why God reminds me to keep His love in my heart, because His love conquers everything.

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. -- 1 Peter 4:8

