可惜的是,許多人專注於送/收禮物,卻忘了為什麼我們要慶祝這個日子。那是因為在兩千年前的這一天,神賜給我們全人類一個最大的禮物 -- 祂自己道成肉身,來到我們中間,充充滿滿地有恩典有真理!有許多人甚至改口稱「聖誕快樂」為「假期快樂」。殊不知,若不是祂自己的降生,所有的慶祝都是徒然,我們今天無法活在恩典之中,一切的快樂都只是表面的假象,也沒有永生的盼望。
Only two days left before Christmas, you can smell the holiday everywhere. Traffic is busy especially on the streets surrounding shopping centers. I didn't understand why people give gifts on Christmas until recent years. The significance of giving gift is not about the gift itself but the thought and heart behind it. When I started to write down names on my list, I recollected that there were many people helped me and cared for me in the past year and I remembered how we have worked together and encouraged each other. So I love to use the small gift as a token of my appreciation and care. It means a lot especially for us who are not good at express ourselves in language.
The only thing is, a lot of people only focus on the gift and forgot why we celebrate this special day. It is because God came to earth in human form on this day about 2000 years ago to give us hope and lead the way. Some people even changed from saying "Merry Christmas" to "Happy Holidays". If it is not for Him, all the celebrations are meaningless and there is no hope of eternity.
So, my dear friends, may you have a wonderful Christmas with your family, and may the Lord bless you abundantly in the coming new year!
Merry Christmas!! Jesus loves you and me!