2007年10月23日 星期二

歲月不待人 Time and tide wait for no man

My eyesight is similiar to this picture right now, the farther it goes, the clearer it is. My optometrist said it is the birthday syndrome...the more birthdays I get, the more obvious it becomes. Of course he added "you are kind of too young to get this..."
我的視力就好像這張照片一樣,離得越遠就看得越清楚。驗光師說這是生日症候群,越過生日症狀就越明顯。。。當然他很好心地加了一句 “你開始這個症狀是太年輕了一點。。。”

Mt. Hood from our front street.
何必捨近求遠?自家門口拍的照片也不輸給Mt.Tabor Park.

