2007年10月9日 星期二

新的一天 A New Day


早晨起來時,外面的天色是金黃中帶著粉紅伴襯著藍天。急急忙忙地用相機捕捉了幾張照片(有空時會post出來)。開車送Vivian上學時,更看見Mt. Hood被雲海環繞,金色的太陽在旁邊閃閃發光。。。再看見一路上路旁的樹葉,被染上了不同層次的黃、橙、紅色,我不禁開口唱著 “主啊我神,我每逢舉目觀看,你手所造,一切奇妙大工。。。” 我知道神的光正照耀著我們。


於是,我有了一個想法。我願意開始一個部落格(blog :),與我的弟兄姐妹及好朋友們一同分享我們屬靈上及生活上的一些得著或掙扎,互相鼓勵、彼此扶持。

2 則留言:

  1. Thanks for sharing. What a neat idea! But you know I'm not a on-line person. I feel kind of strange posting comments on-line :)

    Indeed God is good. He is always there when we need HIM. It's just we ignore him all the time. Yes, let's help and encourage each other, so we can keep trusting in HIM no matter under what knid of circumstances. Hum, this reminds me I should have a joyful heart to finish my tasks today...not just today but everyday!! :-)

    Qin wen

  2. Hi friends, I did not know all of you are such a good writers.
    So I better keep my arm quilt (try not to type too much). Isn't God is so good...and good to us that we can feel, we can chat, we can laugh, we can cry, we can share our burden, we can ask, ....in did He is my best friend.....He give us our need, give us wisdom to understand Him, give us family, give us friends like you, give us work so we have food to eat, things to wear, house to live, He give us church so we can worship, learning and serve Him, He give us His words to guide us so we can understand what is His way and path,...but in all He also give us that Him selves to us.....Thank you Lord……. you give us slow day you also give us busy day, you give us blessing you also give us task, You give us joy you also give us sorrow.....but all of those, the best is that you are with us...in all .....thank you.

    Wow, did I just say I am not going write a long one?.....soorry
