2008年4月28日 星期一

水煮青蛙 Cooking frogs



Yesterday I paid the highest price I have ever paid on gas so far - $3.53 per gallon. I remember when I just came to the US, we only paid close to $1.00/g. When the oil price started to rise several years ago, we felt that $1.5/g was high already. During the period of time soaked in the water with temperature increasing slowly, we started to get use to it. When we finally realized how serious it has become, we are in a situation that everything is much more expensive than it used to be, than we like it to be, than a lot of people can afford. Many of us have heard the warnings about global food shortage and rising rice price, most of the time we could not even buy rice at Costco. I heard that they are sold out the day when they arrive most of the time. Long grain rice from Thailand (50 lb package, I guess) in Asian store is sold for $37, limited to 5 packs per family. We are fortunate to still be able to supply our living needs, but there are a lot of people who can't afford their living already. As far as the global warming issues that some scientists predicted the Arctic ice cap will completely melt down by year 2012 with the rate it is decreasing, the solution is even farther beyond our ability can reach.

I think this is the biggest challenge our generation have faced so far. Or, is it the trend of the world and we'd better learn to cope with it? Have we been gotten too used to our luxurious life style and we need to start getting back to the simple life of bare necessity?Big cars, huge mansions, and luxurious life style... are we over-consuming the resource which should belong to those under-privileged people and our future descendants?

