2009年6月3日 星期三

也許愛是。。。 Perhaps Love

無意間從網友Hummingbird部落格的文章中,看到了一篇有關約翰.丹佛(John Denver)的文章,而文章中提到的這首歌,把我帶回了年輕的歲月,也讓二十幾年後的我,再次熱淚盈眶。
記得當時讀新竹高中的哥哥第一次把這首歌帶回家的時候,我就深深地被它的旋律所吸引,於是我硬是吵著要他幫我找到歌詞。那時還在讀國中的我認識的英文字彙還不是很多,但是爲了要學會這首歌,我幾乎是一個單字一個單字地查,等我明白了歌詞的意思之後,對它的喜愛就更是有加無減。然後跟著我最愛(my all-time favorite)的男高音多明哥,和約翰.丹佛抒情的歌聲,一句一句地學。等我上高中時,在英聽和音樂課中,不知道向我的同學們推薦了多少次,甚至在我讀大學的那段日子裏,它也伴我渡過不少低沉的時光。這首歌可以説是我最愛幾首歌中的一首。

Perhaps love is like a resting place, a shelter from the storm
It exists to give you comfort, it is there to keep you warm
And in those times of trouble when you are most alone
The memory of love will bring you home

Perhaps love is like a window, perhaps an open door
It invites you to come closer, it wants to show you more
And even if you lose yourself and don`t know what to do
The memory of love will see you through

Oh, love to some is like a cloud, to some as strong as steel
For some a way of living, for some a way to feel
And some say love is holding on and some say letting go
And some say love is everything and some say they don`t know

Perhaps love is like the ocean full of conflict, full of pain
Like a fire when it`s cold outside or thunder when it rains
If I should live forever and all my dreams come true
My memories of love will be of you.

愛到底是什麼?當時年輕的我懵懵懂懂,並不能深刻地體會,現在再次聽起來,我明白了。愛是一個避風港,是一個可以安歇的地方,它能帶給我們安慰和溫暖。當我們在無措和困難之中,愛為我們指引方向,帶領我們回家。愛有時也許充滿了矛盾與痛苦,但是如果我會永遠活著,而我所有的夢想都能成真,我愛的記憶將會是你。 -- 給我親愛的老公

5 則留言:

  1. 找到知音的感覺真好!

  2. Peiling,



  3. There are plenty of store to buy the sheet music - search it on the google.
    For free one, one approach is to download the midi file(again search it on the google) and obtain the software that can read midi file but show it as sheet music.(The old version of the free Finale Notepad can do it. The newer ones can not)


  4. 終於忙完了,今年剛好帶畢業班,6/4我送給我的班級一個很特別的禮物--畢業演唱會,我為他們辦一場演唱會,也順便邀請全體畢業班一起參加,我們請到了TBC和福爾摩莎舞團(跳街舞,TBC是去年全球第三,團長是個人獨舞世界第一)還有以前約書亞的主唱璽恩(現在成名被經紀公司簽走了)、治德(一位創作歌手),非常成功


  5. Wow! What a great moment! I believe, in Him everything could happen! :-) I hope I was there to share the joy! I will say we should give all the glories to our Lord, Jesus Christ! Yes, indeed, without Him all our efforts were in vain. He changes our lives beyond our imagination! Great works!!
