2008年3月29日 星期六

大有希望 With great hope

今天去聽了一整天的master class,Vivian 也在其中一堂演奏了。聽完以後感覺好多了,有人跑來對我說她彈得真好,老師對她的評語很不錯,我自己也偷偷地覺得她彈得比許多人都好(嘻嘻),加上老師們說的概念都與她所彈得接近,所以相信她是行在正確的道路上(on the right track),看起來還是很有希望的!昨天籠罩在頭上的烏雲都一掃而空。

We went to listen in the whole-day master class today, Vivian also performed in one of the sessions. I felt much better after her performance. Someone came over and told me that she played very well; the teacher had very good comments on her playing; I also secretly felt that she was much better than a lot of other kids; plus most of the suggestions and recommendations from other teachers (to other students) match what she is doing/has learned, so I believe she is on the right track. Everything looks good again!
There was one young man who played very well in the master class today. One of the adjudicators who taught the master class asked him how it compared to his playing from yesterday (I believe he was surprised that he wasn't picked as a finalist). Because they were only allowed to play excerpts yesterday so it wasn't always a "fair" competition, thus the adjudicator said "you know that's the way a competition is."

2 則留言:

  1. Not just with great hope, but with the greatest hope. Going to this type of competition is already a super winner!! You should be very proud of Vivian!! She will shine in piano for sure...

  2. Thank you for your encouragement:) The biggest gain by going to this kind of competition is to know how other people are doing and what she should work on. 順便接受一點刺激,認識一些志同道合的朋友,打開自己的眼界,把眼光放得更高更遠。
