2008年5月13日 星期二

請伸出援手 Reach out to the impacted

在這個困難的時刻,請迫切地為那些正在受苦的中國百姓禱告,祈求 神施憐憫,提起大能的手來幫助救災的進行,醫治受傷的人和安慰罹難者的家屬。


如果你所服務的公司有 matching program,透過 matching program 來捐款就能發揮更大的功效。否則你也可經由撒瑪利亞錢囊美國紅十字會Mercy Corps,或是其他你所信賴的機構來援助災民。十元不嫌少,萬元也不算多,端看個人的能力與負擔。只要甘心樂意,主一定都喜悅。今天David和我已經透過紅十字會捐獻了兩千美金,説出來不是為了自誇或任何其他的原因,只願能藉此抛磚引玉與大家彼此鼓勵,一同為受難的同胞貢獻一點心力。願主祝福你並記念你的擺上。

At this difficult time, please pray urgently for those who suffered in the China Quake. We pray that God will raise His mighty hand to help the rescue attempts, heal the wounded, and comfort the vistims' families.

If you have not done so already, if you are willing, please reach out your helping hand to those who got impacted in the 512 China Earthquake. Even though I am not from China, but being a Chinese, the relationship is unbreakable, not to mention that our Lord Jesus told us "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me...whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."

If the company you work for has matching fund program, it will help the greatest if you donate through that program. Otherwise you can go through Samaritan Purse,American Red Cross, Mercy Corps, or whatever charity organizations that you trust. $10 is not too little and $10000 is not too much. It all depends on individual's ability. As long as it is given willingly and cheerfully, God will remember. David and I have donated $2000 through Red Cross today. We do not intend to boast but to encourage everyone to help those who are in desparate need through our small token of love. May God bless you and remember your kind and generous giving.

1 則留言:

  1. 謝謝 peiling 的分享與鼓勵..


    1999/9/21, 我們一家住在新竹, 雖然距離震央(集集)有一段距離, 但新竹也面臨了5級的地震, 感覺仍然很恐怖。一個你每天都回去, 享受家庭溫暖的房子, 過往只擔心小偷光顧, 那看來堅固的牆壁和樑柱, 在這樣的地震中, 一家人就像置身於狂風巨浪的小船裡, 那瞬間我們真的是拼命呼求主耶穌的拯救, 真怕這六層樓的公寓會倒塌, 感謝主保守了我們。

    這樣的經歷, 使我能體會那些災民寧願睡在路邊, 睡在公園也不願留在房子裡, 什至是帳篷也不願意進住, 只要有上蓋的東西都讓人害怕。我曾到過一個災區(不記得地名),政府為災民設立了一個能容納兩百人的吹氣大帳篷,市府人員一再解釋這個帳篷很安全, 就算地震再來, 帳篷也不會倒, 即便斷電導致吹氣的馬達停了,也只不過是一塊大帆布蓋下來而已,但無論怎樣解釋, 進住的災民不到帳篷容量的一半。

    921 地震過後, 教會有幾位長老參加了由不同宗派的基督教會所組成的聯合救災團體, 他們出錢出力, 開自己的車子, minivan, 把救災急需的物資運送到災區。

    往返災區幾次之後, 許多教牧同工都體會到物資的缺乏可以補足, 但人心的悲痛, 傷心與懼怕不是短時間可以復原, 長老們呼籲弟兄姊妹多多為這需要代禱, 如果有感動也可以和他們一起去災區關懷災民, 我和他們去過一次, 面對這些正在苦難中的災民, 你能做的只有兩件事, 一是耶穌曾說過的話: 與哀哭的人同哭, 二是更迫切更真實的代禱..

    這次的四川大地震, 我們都不容易,什至是不可能到災區關懷災民, 但我們在這裡,可以獻上更多的代禱, 物資的缺乏總有足夠的時候, 但人心的創傷, 懼怕和無可依靠的憂慮, 只有主耶穌可以撫平。

    祈求主耶穌安慰,醫治那些身心受創的心靈, 願神憐憫, Amen.
