忘記背後努力面前的,向著標杆直跑,要得 神在基督耶穌裏從上面召我來得的獎賞。 Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. - 腓立比書3:13下-14 Phillipians 3:13b-14
2007年10月31日 星期三
主恩豐盛 God's Blessings Abound
你以恩典為年歲的冠冕,你的路徑都滴下脂油。 - 詩篇65:11
I am working on a project to transfer our old VHS home video to DVD now. Because of this opportunity, we get to review some of the old tapes. I saw our daughter transformed from a small baby to a young lady, from one could only play simple tunes to be able to perform huge beautiful pieces; my husband's shape from slim fit to carrying a mid-sized pillow around the belly area; my hair style from short to long then from long turned short, and some trace of time on our faces. I saw the old apartment we lived in while studying in graduate school, and the unusual snow storm as well as the beautiful view it brought. I remembered that Christmas when we opened our gifts one by one with mom, sister, and Vincent, also that seafood feast while big brother and sister-in-law visited us. It is amazing to see how God has lead us through the years. Even though I miss those good old days and want to hold that little baby in my arms once again, but I am looking forward to tomorrow and the years to come. Because I know He holds our future and His blessings abound.
You crown the year with your bounty, and your carts overflow with abundance. -- Psalm 65:11
2007年10月30日 星期二
忙啊!Busy busy
從前仗著自己年輕記憶力好,書總是要等到最後一分鐘才唸,做事也喜歡一心數用來省時間。現在書不管什麼時候唸,結果都是一樣記不住;自己仍然可以同時做多件事情,但似乎沒有一件事是按照原定計劃完成的。老是做著這個想著那個,但是一回頭又忘了剛剛在干啥。昨天在禱告時,半途中我竟然忘了向神說到哪兒了。。。我想是太忙了吧!真該沉靜一下自己的思緒,放掉一些繁瑣的事務,專注在少一點事情上。否則將來在育“老”院見到親人朋友,還得問 “請問您哪位呀?”
I found myself losing trend of thought more frequently now. Yesterday I even forgot where I was in the middle of my prayer. I am gradually losing my multi-tasking ability as well and get side-tracked easily. For example, I was going to garage to pick up some stuff from the freezer to prepare for dinner. On my way to the garage, I noticed that I forgot to finish my laundry, so I started to do the laundry. Then I saw all the dusts in the laundry room, so I decided to go upstairs to get the vacuum cleaner. The minute I got to the second floor, I saw Vivian's room, and I decided to clean up her room first... I think I am too busy.
2007年10月27日 星期六
快樂的臉龐 Happy Faces
We saw many happy faces on top of the Mt. Tabor Park today. This is Mr. Coque (ko-kee). He was pretending to be 'cool'. You can tell he had lots of fun by all the stuff over his face.
我們今天下午在Mt. Tabor公園裏看到了許多快樂的臉龐。這位是故作鎮靜裝酷的高奇先生。看他滿臉渣渣就知道他剛玩得不亦樂乎。
Coque again.
This is passionate Miss Bella. Can you see that she is smiling?
藍山 Blue Mountain --
Courtesy of DavidC (because he was hogging the camera at that time...)
2007年10月25日 星期四
祂既看顧麻雀 His Eye Is On the Sparrow
A special message for one of my dear friends. She is experiencing some changes and facing some challenges right now. May God's love and Holy Spirit touch her, so she knows that she is not alone. Jesus is our confidence, as long as we are willing to accept.
Why should I feel discouraged, why should the shadows come,
Why should my heart be lonely, and long for heaven and home,
When Jesus is my portion? My constant friend is He:
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.
“Let not your heart be troubled,” His tender word I hear,
And resting on His goodness, I lose my doubts and fears;
Though by the path He leadeth, but one step I may see;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.
Whenever I am tempted, whenever clouds arise,
When songs give place to sighing, when hope within me dies,
I draw the closer to Him, from care He sets me free;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.
I sing because I’m happy,
I sing because I’m free,
For His eye is on the sparrow,
And I know He watches me.
2007年10月24日 星期三
試煉中的歌吟 Song of Trial
8 我們四面受敵、卻不被困住.心裏作難、卻不至失望.
9 遭逼迫、卻不被丟棄.打倒了、卻不至死亡.
10 身上常帶著耶穌的死、使耶穌的生、也顯明在我們身上。
11 因為我們這活著的人、是常為耶穌被交於死地、使耶穌的生、在我們這必死的身上顯明出來。
17 我們這至暫至輕的苦楚、要為我們成就極重無比永遠的榮耀。
18 原來我們不是顧念所見的、乃是顧念所不見的.因為所見的是暫時的、所不見的是永遠的。
當我四面受敵 不被困住 心裏作難 不至失望
逼迫卻不被丟棄 打倒卻不至死亡 耶穌的生顯明在我身上
將我的眼光 放在未來 讓我的盼望 定睛天上
暫時的苦楚 在榮耀的光中蛻變成不朽的生命與剛強
黎明的曙光即將到來 雨後有彩虹高掛穹蒼
死亡與復活僅是一線之隔 試煉後綻放出屬天的光亮
2 Corinthians 4:8-18
8 We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair;
9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.
10 We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.
11 For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus' sake, so that his life may be revealed in our mortal body.
17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.
18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
During our mission conference last weekend, Pastor Chiu reminded us that the problem with today's church is that Christians are afraid of being witnesses to the world, some churches/Christians choose to be "popular" or choose not to offend others. I totally agree with him. As a matter of fact, I can see that happens every single day. May God help us and strength us.
2007年10月23日 星期二
歲月不待人 Time and tide wait for no man

我的視力就好像這張照片一樣,離得越遠就看得越清楚。驗光師說這是生日症候群,越過生日症狀就越明顯。。。當然他很好心地加了一句 “你開始這個症狀是太年輕了一點。。。”
Mt. Hood from our front street.
2007年10月22日 星期一
幾首詩歌 A couple of praises
Some praises for you. May they light up your day. Do you like it, Allen?
BY 基恩敬拜音樂事工
寶貴十架 Prescious Cross
BY 讚美之泉 Stream of Praise
2007年10月19日 星期五
哀鴻遍野 Not a good scene
It's even quieter today in the office.
This time the impact is much bigger than I anticipated, even some highly techincal people are affected. What I can see is, some groups are cut, certain roles are eliminated, some don't perform up to their standard are gone. This is the biggest one I have ever experienced since I joined this company, too many people I know directly or indirectly are impacted. If you are doing the right thing but in the wrong group at the wrong time, you are out of luck. It's not fun either for the managers who need to deliver the unpleasant message to their direct reports. I am touched to see colleagues encouraging and looking out for each other. You don't usually see that during normal busy working days.
2007年10月18日 星期四
我真的很難過 I am really saddened
我們今天本來有一的企劃要推進生産綫的(push into production)但是可能會被延誤,就因為這個原因。
Now the names keep surfacing, I am really saddened. When I saw the farewell emails from my colleagues and my first manager at this company, I could not hold it any longer and cried. Not only those people got effected feel bad, those who survived this round are suffering with them too. I wish them the best of finding a much better job/working environment, and left all of the nightmares behind.
We have a project scheduled to release into production today could be put on hold due to this reason... Sigh...
2007年10月17日 星期三
平安過關 Survived another round
Praise the Lord, another safe landing! We will see what happens next year.
BTW, another girl and I teamed up for the billiard tournament within our group yesterday. Guess what, we beat all other men's teams and placed the first among the eight teams. Ha! Ha! Each of us won a $25 gift card and a reputation!
2007年10月16日 星期二
破曉 Morning Has Broken
I didn't really pay attention to the lyrics when I heard it the first time, now it really makes sense to me.
Morning has broken, like the first morning
Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird
Praise for the singing, praise for the morning
Praise for the springing fresh from the word
Sweet the rain's new fall, sunlit from heaven
Like the first dewfall, on the first grass
Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden
Sprung in completeness where his feet pass
Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning
Born of the one light, Eden saw play
Praise with elation, praise every morning
God's recreation of the new day
2007年10月15日 星期一
一些照片 Pictures
2007年10月14日 星期日
你不會相信的 Quite an advanture
主辦單位在比賽最後一天為參賽者準備了master class,Vivian一口氣見了三位老師。老師們都很好,尤其是日本老師Matsumoto。她說她很喜歡Vivian 彈的蕭邦第三號敍事曲(Chopin Ballade No 3),並教她如何使用及感受全身的力量來彈奏強音。另外兩個俄國老師上了貝多芬奏鳴曲(Beethoven Sonata Op2 No3),兩人的看法不同,當然說法也不同,由此可見評審們要達成共識有多困難。
Check-in以後,一切就緒準備上飛機時,他們說飛機座位超賣所以要求自願者讓位,我去問了一下,他們說會僱taxi載我們去另一個機場(Lake Charles, LA)轉機,並讓我們搭上同一班從Houston回Portland的班機,一個位子他們補償$300,可以用來訂未來的機票。我想,反正我們到Houston後還得等好幾個小時,既然別人需要座位,那就讓他們坐吧,$300可以做為Vivian未來的比賽/夏令營的旅行基金,於是我自願了,Vivian和我(拿到位子的那一家人向我們謝了又謝)。。。
沒想到,taxi將近一個小時後才到,等我們開出機場後,這位司機先生們坦白地告訴我們,我們不可能趕得上Lake Charles的那班飛機,於是我們又折回Alexandria機場,那時已經6:20pm 了。我在途中打電話給Continental,他們說最後一班飛機是6:45pm,但是已經客滿了。到了機場後,看到還有幾個旅客等著要check-in,但按照那兒規定,機場櫃檯在飛機起飛前30分鐘就停止check-in了。一個服務員出來看到我後,馬上轉回辦公室。十分鐘之後,原先送我們上taxi的服務員出來了,二話不説就要我手上的登機卡,一邊用手機和別人通話,一邊試著在電腦上輸入。後來6:45pm,實在不行了,他走出櫃檯,要我們跟著他跑。他帶我們過了安檢,等我們到登機口時,我看到飛機已經離開登機口,似乎是已經準備走了但後來在跑道上又停下來,重新開門等我們上飛機。。。我想那兩三位上不了飛機的乘客一定很沮喪(我猜我們是坐了他們的位子),也對他們覺得很抱歉,但我真的很感謝神憐憫讓我們能上這班飛機,否則我們會在兩週内兩次因為飛機的緣故無法回家、上學、上班,而且這次是自找的。
到了Houston,上了回Portland的飛機,心上的石頭才落了地。找到自己的位子後,天啊,我旁邊坐的是貴乃花!(一個日本著名的相撲選手。其實這位先生只是有相撲選手的尺寸而已啦。)他佔據了我三分之一的位子。整個4小時的飛行路程,我都只能縮在一角,同時還得避免侵佔了我另一邊乘客的地盤。Vivian 一邊坐的是熊爸爸,一邊是熊媽媽,所以她也沒比我好到哪兒去。但是那熊爸爸還真好,看到她在做功課,還主動幫她開燈,調整方向。想想還好,有我和Vivian來和他們分享空間。如果相撲選手坐在熊爸爸和熊媽媽的中間,那可怎麼辦?
淩晨一點,終于平安地回到家了。感謝神的保守,讓我們得到這麼多的幫忙與學習,我看到了南方人的友善 - 親自送我們上飛機的服務員、一直陪著我們確定我們能上飛機後才離開的taxi司機先生、公路上給我們指示方向的人,虔誠愛主的家庭,在比賽過程中的學習,與參賽者家庭的溝通,如何與人分享我們有餘但他們需要的,等等。總而言之,不虛此行!
Just some highlights during the last day of the Louisiana trip.
Vivian took master classes with three jury members. They were all very nice, especially the Japanese judge, Matsumoto. She said many times that she really liked the way Vivian played the Chopin Ballade. She also taught Vivian how to feel the connection between finger tips and her back so she can utilize her full body strength better for ff. She also told Vivian to look at bigger picture instead too focusing on small details. The other two Russian/German teachers were also nice, but they had different opinions on the same Beethoven sonata. It is good that Vivian followed whatever they said to get the most out of the class.
On our way back to the Alexandria airport, I got lost again. They don’t have any airport sign on the high way, except for a small airplane picture showed up at a ramp. And of course, I missed it again. Anyway, the most scary thing was, I drove on the high way (not a free way but close) in the opposite direction at a 50 miles/hour speed for a couple of minutes, until both the driver and the passenger in a car coming towards us pointed to the parallel “road” next to the road I was on!! So I had to drive across the center grassy area to the lane I was supposed to be on. Both of us freaked out but could not stop laughing afterwards.
The next episode was, we almost missed our flight from Alexandria to Houston. The flight we were supposed to be on was oversold. So I took the option to take a taxi to another airport (Lake Charles, LA) and take a flight from there to Houston(because all the remaining flights by all the airlines were full). They promised that we will have plenty of time to catch our flight from Houston to Portland and offered us two coupons of $300 each, which are good for next booking with Continental. Everything sounded fine until the taxi showed up almost an hour late. We were very worried but that sounded like the only option at that time, so we got on the taxi anyway and drove out of Alexandria airport. On our way to Lake Charles, the driver told us that there was no way that we could catch the flight no matter how many people he killed along the way. At that point we decided to go back to Alexandria airport. Fortunately the Continental guy was very helpful and nice, he tried to issue us new boarding passes(without success), called the departing plane to stop, rushed us through the security and to the gate (at that time the plane has already left the gate and moved towards the run way), so we were able to leave. Whew~ that was a close one. Otherwise we would have to stayed overnight at Alexandria, and would have to miss another day of school and work. Ok, the reason there were still seats left for us was because some passengers were late (the ticket counter closed 30 minutes prior to departure time), and they were still at the ticket counter trying to get on to the plane while we were running like crazy in the airport. I really feel sorry for them.
On the flight from Houston to Portland, I sat next to a sumo wrestler. Well, he is not exactly a sumo wrestler, but he has the size of one. I was squeezed to one corner of my seat, and in the meantime trying not to invade into the space of the passenger on my other side. Vivian sat between a papa bear and mama bear, so she was not in any better situation. We got home at 1:00am.
That was a crazy and wild day, but both of us will remember it always. Visit there in another 2 years? Maybe, maybe not. We'll see.
2007年10月13日 星期六
一個奇怪的地方 A strange place
明天再參加過一個master class 以後,我們就可以回家了,吔!!
This is the strangest place I have ever been in the US. We got lost two nights in a row. On average, it took us 1 hour to finish the 10-minute trip to the recital hall or back to Hotel. The roads are very dark at night, and the street signs are small enough just for you to miss it. Till now I am still looking for the promised “rainbow” road. I am so glad that I decided to pay for the wireless card for my laptop. Monthly service fee, $60, to find your way back to your hotel in a strange and dark place, priceless.
However, the people here are nice (at least the ones I met in the competition). Many Russians here, not sure why. This competition is closely connected with Russia anyway.
Speaking of the competition, we didn't win anything, but I have no complaint about her performance. She played very nicely and musically, I loved every single bit of it. However, she made an obvious mistake, so the result is expected. Both winners in Junior and Artist levels are from China. China is the biggest winner this year. I feel bad for the Taiwanese pianist. She played Chopin No 1 so well, so musically, and with so much detail, but lost to the two Russian concertos (Paganini and Concerto No 2 by Rachmaninoff). As I said, it is very Russian here. :) Getting the third place brings down her average.
We will be home tomorrow after a master class. Cool!
2007年10月12日 星期五
飛往路易斯安那.. Off to Louisiana
這是我們第一次參加國際性的鋼琴比賽(International Piano Competition), 相信一定能遇到許多年齡相仿實力相當的年輕鋼琴手。我們也會有機會聽到藝術家級的協奏曲決賽。這將會是一次很好的經驗,願所有參賽者都能有很好的表現。拭目以待嘍!
Today we are going to Louisiana to attend Louisiana International Piano Compeitition. This is the first time we attend international level competition. It is so good to be able to go out of Portland to meet other pianists around the world. We will also have the opportunity to listen to the concerto competition of the top three finalists at artist level. I checked out some of their bio's, they are all very good pianists. This will be a wonderful experience, and I hope that all the participants will do very well in the competition. Looking forward to it!
2007年10月10日 星期三
一首很美的詩歌 A Beautiful Song
喔 你心裡要有眼光
2007年10月9日 星期二
美景與您共享 Pictures that I promised
新的一天 A New Day
早晨起來時,外面的天色是金黃中帶著粉紅伴襯著藍天。急急忙忙地用相機捕捉了幾張照片(有空時會post出來)。開車送Vivian上學時,更看見Mt. Hood被雲海環繞,金色的太陽在旁邊閃閃發光。。。再看見一路上路旁的樹葉,被染上了不同層次的黃、橙、紅色,我不禁開口唱著 “主啊我神,我每逢舉目觀看,你手所造,一切奇妙大工。。。” 我知道神的光正照耀著我們。
於是,我有了一個想法。我願意開始一個部落格(blog :),與我的弟兄姐妹及好朋友們一同分享我們屬靈上及生活上的一些得著或掙扎,互相鼓勵、彼此扶持。